temporarycontemporary, Deptford 2009.
The point of departure was a small set of my paternal family photos, found unexpectedly in a poetry exhibition held at a public library in Kraków, Poland, in winter 2008. These archival images of visual semi-strangers, pinned behind glass, were hitherto completely unknown to me and that moment started an obsession.
The installation took place in the building of the former Police Station in Deptford, London, and my works engaged with the space of the interview room through the format of the display, and through the fantasy of a crime scene in pictures - with family photographs reworked as drawings and screen-prints combined with prints referencing found images of (other) people and objects. Images from personal memory have thus been further processed and displaced to a site of historical crime, distress, tension, exposed to new associations.

Sława Harasymowicz, Playhunt, installation view, 2009.